Netanyahu is Messing with History and Geography

Condemnation should not be directed at Netanyahu's statements, but to this state of misguidance experienced by some Arabs in the region. They remain silent before the world, watching the "deal of the century" and farce of the year in the process of implementation
Vine Leaves and the Jerusalemite Woman

Vine Leaves and the Jerusalemite Woman

These masters of the traditional dishes that taste and smell of Palestine their homeland are perhaps reminding us that the women have been fighting and struggling alongside the men from day one
Aida Najjar, Former Resident of Lifta

Aida Najjar, Former Resident of Lifta

After 1967 I went back. But it made me sad, it's such a beautiful country. It's like a paradise lost. When they asked me again to go there I said no, because it made me so sad I became sick. I blamed myself for going to see the house...